25th International Symposium on Measurement and Control in Robotics

Iasi, Romania, September 21 – 22, 2023


HYBRID EVENT: For those who, for many reasons, could not travel to Romania, online presentations will be possible , the fees in these cases will be 100 €.

Early Registration (before September 5th, 2023)

  • Authors and members of sponsoring institutions: 350 €
  • Others: 400 €
  • Students: 200 €
  • Exhibitors: 300 €/day
  • Online Presentation: 100 €

Regular Registration

  • Authors and members of sponsoring institutions: 400 €
  • Others: 500 €
  • Students /Accompanying Persons:  200 €
  • Exhibitors 300 €/day
  • Online Presentation: 100 €

The fees include the lunches, gala dinner, ISMCR 2023 program and proceedings.


At least one Conference Registration Fee has to be paid in order to have the paper(s) published. A proof of active doctoral student / student should be presented.

For each additional paper of the same registered participant, a fee of 100 EUR is supplementary required. The conference fees for participants that are not registered with a paper is of 200 EUR and cover the conference documents, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome party and Gala Dinner.

For online presentation, the fees include only the proceedings; the book will be sent to the corresponding author by Springer.


Conference fee payment information:


1-7, Ion Mihalache Street, Sector 1, Cod 011171

Bucharest, Romania

Swift Code: BRDEROBU

Sucursala Iasi, Str. Anastasie Panu, 1B-2A


Asociatia Absolventilor Facultatii de Mecanica din Iasi – AMIS

Account in RON: RO21BRDE240SV48972902400

Account in EUR: RO59BRDE240SV48973112400

When you will pay the fees, please make sure that you pay the bank transfer fee, so that the amount should pay in EUR (or the equivalent in LEI) enters the mentioned account.

As a message, when you pay the fees, you should mention ISMCR 2023, Paper no…., Name of the first author.

Please, send a copy of the bank transfer to [email protected] and [email protected]